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Oil Sunflower Market Outlook, dec 2014 from "the National Sunflower Association Magazine"

Sent by Dr Florin Stoenescu, Oil Sunflower Market Outlook, December 2014. Published in the “National Sunflower Association Magazine”.

Nov.2014 : Recent sunflower references

You will find here publications sent by our members.

Conclusion : 3rd Intern. Symposium on Broomrape, June 2014, Cordoba, Spain

The 3rd International Symposium on Broomrape (Orobanche spp.) in Sunflower was held in Córdoba, Spain from June 3rd to 6th, 2014, organized by the Spanish Sunflower Association under the auspices of ISA.

Obituary Prof. A.Viorel Vranceanu

Prof. Alexandru Viorel Vranceanu, one of the greatest initiators and promoters of hybrid sunflower and a well-known and appreciated Romanian scientist on agronomy, died on February 27th, 2014, at age 87.

Letter from the President

January 08, 2013.