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ISC & Symposia

Proceedings of ISC & Symposia

12th ISC, Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, 1988, Vol.1

Plenary papers

Physiological and genetic analysis of variation and covariation of sunflower polygenic characters
Dyakov A.B. ................................. 11
The genus Helianthus as a source of genetic variability for cultivated sunflower 
Seiler Gerald...............................17
Oilseeds and the Common agricultural policy
d'Anglejan M. ............................... 59

Crop management and production

A physiological analysis of the growth and yield of two sunflower cultivarsN. Trapani, V.O. Sadras, F. Vilella, A.J. Hall.....63

Genotypic differences in the photosynthetic activity and chloroplast ultrastructure of sunflower leaves
Maroti I., Sz Pataky, J. Frank ............... 69
Reduccion artificial del area foliar del girasol (Helianthus annuus L.) en distintas etapas del desarrollo ontogenico
Cholaky L., Giayetto O., Fernandez E.M. ...... 75
Rayonnement solaire intercepté par les couverts des cultures de tournesol, facteur explicatif de la production
Picq G. ...............81
Distribution of incident light energy in sunflower crop
Cupina T., Sakac Z., Plesnicar M., Saftic D.,F. Ach ............ 86
Effect of water deficit on leaf area development and by absorption of a sunflower summer crop
Guiducci M. ........................... 89
Photosynthetic response of sunflower leaves to PPFD under field conditions, with realtion to their age and position
Danuso F., G. Delle Vedove, A. Peressotti .. 95
Caractéristiques de la ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase / oxygenase (Rubisco) du tournesol
Ranty B., Martinez-Bustamante E., Piquemal M., Cavalie G. .......... 104
Determination of activity of ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase in different sunflower (H. annuus L.) genotypes
Popovic M., Gasic O., Cupina T., Plesnicar M...... 110
Complex measurements of photosynthesis in sunflower
Plesnicar Marijana, Saftij Dejana Saftic, Sakac Z., T.Cupina ............... 112
Simultaneous measurements of photosynthesis and chlorophyll A fluorescence in NS sunflower genotypes (Helianthus annuus L.)
Saftic Dejana, Plesnicar M., Sakac Z., Cupina T............ 117
Main physiological characters linked to net assimilation of sunflower in various cropping conditions
Blanchet R., Gelfi N., Cavalie G., Piquemal M............. 120
Net Assimilation, accumulation and utilization of assimilates by some sunflower genotypes in the course of ontogenesis
Sakac Z., Cupina T., Saftic D., Plesnicar M., Latkovska M. ...... 122
Influence de contraintes hydriques sur la répartition des assimilats entre les organes de tournesol
Blanchet R., Piquemal M.,Cavallé G., Hernandez M.,Quinones H...... 124
Pre-anthesis assimilates and grain filling in irrigated and water-stressed sunflower crops : quantification using labelled carbon
Hail A.J., Connor D.J., D.M.Whitfield ................... 130
Osmotic adjustment in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) differences between genotypes
Chimenti C.A, A.J. Hall........................... 136
Water-storing tissue in young leaves of sunflower
Duan Weisheng................................. 142
Effects of bracteal leaf of sunflower on the yield of seeds
Duan Weisheng........................ 143
The development of root mass of sunflower and effects of root pruning on floret initiation
Steer B.T. 144
A computer program to create the Fibonacci floret pattern on the sunflower head
Hernandez L.F., Palmer J.H. .....150
Techniques to change the number of floret and seed rows in the sunflower capitulum
Palmer J.H., Hernandez L.F. .....................156
Variabilité de la teneur en protéines des graines de tournesol en relation avec l’état protéique foliaire
Merrien A., Quinsac A., Maisonneuve C. ........ 158

Dinamica de la acumulacion de componentes del rendimiento en aceite en ocho cultivares de girasol (yield, components, oil)
Pozzi G.N. ................................ 170
Inhibitors of proteinases and nutritional value of sunflower seed proteins
(in Russian) Balajan V.M. ,V.B. Pogorletskaya .......................... 180
Tissue culture and nitrogen fixation in legumes and non-legumes
Gosal K. Satwant, Rajinder P.Gupta............................ 186
Efficiency of strain combinations of different genera of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on sunflower genotypes
Saric M, Saric Zora, Govedarica M........................ 187
Sequencing of cytochrome oxidase subunit 11 and apocytochrome B genes of sunflower mitochondrial DNA
Siculella L., Ceci L.R., Treglia A.S., De Benedetto C., Pacoda D., Perrotta C., Gallerani R. 193
Corrélation entre le diamètre de la tige et la production d’akènes chez le tournesol (achenes, stalk diameter, correlation)
Cadeac F 198
Effect of the drought and high temperatures on the yield in sunflower 
Velkov V.N. 203
Utilization of “in vitro” test as an early screening technique for drought stress evaluation in sunflower
Azpiroz H.S., Vincourt Patrick, Serieys Hervé 207
Sunflower yield as affected by cycle length and climate pattern
Losavio N., Mastrorilli M. 214
Sunflower crop growth in southern Italy
Castrignano A.M., Losavio N., Mastrorilli M., Venezian Scarascia M.E. 215
Comparison among sowing times in different hybrids of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in southern Italy
Maiorana M., De Giorgio D., Ferri D., Rizzo V 221
Le tournesol en culture dérobée en Italie du sud : perspectives et limites par rapport aux dates de semis et aux différents hybrides. Premiers résultats de rendements quanti-qualitatifs. (catch crop, South Italy, sowing dates, hybrids, quantitative yield, quality)
Lanza F., Cilardi A.M., Ferri D., Losavio N., Santamaria P. 223
Seed yields and oil content of sunflower hybrids at different locations and seasons in Chile
Ceron W.A. 229
Effect of ecological conditions on the reproductive capacity of sunflower seed
Crnobarac J. 234
Fertilizing sunflower on calcareous chernozem soil
Gal E., I.Kadar, J.Voros 237
Effect of the depth of fertilization on the yield of sunflower
Gonzalez A. L. 241
Fertilizing and liming sunflower on acid sandy soil
Kadar I., E. Vass 242
Coefficient réel d’utilisation de l’azote chez le tournesol : conséquences agronomiques (nitrogen use, real coefficient, agronomic consequences)
Merrien André, Estragnat André, Maisonneuve Catherine, Pierre M. 247
Respuesta del girasol (Helianthus annus L. ) a la fertilidad en suelos de sabana del oriente de Venezuela (fertility, soils)
Cedeno R.Jesus, Anibal Mata R., Jesus RoJas Rios 254
Mode of inheritance of nutrition regimen in sunflower hybrids NS-H-26-RM, NS-H;27-RM, and NS-H-62-RM
Vrebalov T. 256
On-farm trials of sunflower in Thailand
Sarobol N. 269
Oil content and dry matter accumulation in maturing sunflower seeds as influenced by nitrogen, phosphorus and plant population 
Samui R.C., Ghosh A. 270
Response of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.) to sowing dates and N P K fertilization
Sultan M.S., Attia A.N., Leilah A.A. 271
Effects of increasing N-doses on sunflower in two-year rotation with durum wheat
Ferri D., DeGiorgio D., Lopez G. 272
Effect of increasing nitrogen doses on imporrtant quantitative/biological, and morphological traits of sunflower
Lozanovid M., D.Stanojevid 274
La dynamique d’absorption et de distribution des macro et oligo-éléments de l’hybride ND-H-27-RM (dynamics, hybrid)
Kovacevic M. 276
Effect of nitrogen/phosphorus and plant population on sunflower and subsequent residual effect on mung and rice crops
Samui R.C., Ghosh A. 277
Comportamiento del girasol (Helianthus annuus L.) en funcion de las variables material genetico, densidad y disponibilidad de fosforo. (behaviour, genetic material, density, availability, phosphor)
Baumann Fonay C., Salgado M., Aguirre M., Mendivil G., Bardi J., Navas R., Shiroma T. .284
Interactions between fallow length, phosphorus and zinc supply on the performance of spring and autumn sown sunflower.
Hunter M.N., McCosker A.N., Mayer D.G 290
Effects of an imposed 12-day period of boron deficiency on reproductive development in sunflower
Palmer J.H., Hocking P.J., Randall P.J. 296
Efficient boron uptake and use by sunflower genotypes grown in nutrient solution and soil
Ungaro M.R.G., M.C.Furlani, J.A.Quagglo 301
Deficiencias de boro en girasol, estudios en cultivos a campo en la pradera pampeana (boron deficiency, studies, pampa)
Diggs C.A., Ratto de Miguez M.S., Shorrocks V.M 307
Effect of boron on the activity of nitrate reductase in young sunflower plants
Petrovic N., Kastori R 314
Effect of Zn and B on seed yield, oil content and morphological traits of sunflower 
Milutinovic S., Stanojevic D.316
Effects of sulfur deficiency as modified by nitrogen supply on the growth, yield components and seed quality of sunflower
Hocking P.J., Randall P.J., Pinkerton A..318
Genetic diversity in ion acquisition of wild forms and inbred lines of sunflower
Krstic B., M.R.Sari. 324
Soil salinity index of planting sunflower in saline-alkali soil
Zhang Yunda 325
Primary measures of cultivation of sunflower in saline-alkali soil
Zhang Yunda, Jing Sutang, Zhang Shuyan 328
Sunflower : a new crop in British agriculture
Osborne R. 331
Advance of production and science and technology for sunflower in China
Duan Welsheng, Lu Zhongyiao, Li Xiaojian, Ma Yange, Dong Baichun.. 336
Confectionery sunflower in China and agronomic characters of main cultivar
Liang Guo-zhen 337
Introduccion de cultivares de girasol (Helianthus annuus L.) en la region oriental de Venezuela  (introduction, cultivars)
Cedeno R. Jesus, Francisco J.Cerreno M., Enid Pino 342
Sunflower production in Thailand
Chainuvati C. 344
Sunflower research in Central Luzon State University, Philippines (its present scenario)
Agustin M.B. 345
Sunflower production for self-sufficiency in availability of vegetable oil
Moomba H.L. 346
Compétition intraspécifique pour l’alimentation azotée et hydrique dans différentes densités de peuplement du tournesol (nitroen supply, water, densities, intraspecific competition)
Blanchet R., N.GeIfi, C.Maertens, Y.CIauzel .. 347
The future of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) as a livestock feedstuff in Nigeria
Abdullahi B., S.G.Ado 349
Agronomic performance and oil content of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L). in the Nigerian savanna
Tanimu B., .G.Ado, B.K.Kaigama 356
Relative performance and oil content of the seed of eight open pollinated sunflower cultivars at Samaru/Nigeria
Ado S.G./ M.K,Ahmed/ S.M.Misari and J.D.OIarewaju 361
Performances of the most diffused hybrids cultivated in Italy from 1988
Molinelli P 362
Agronomic evaluation of semi-dwarf sunflower
Schneiter A., B.Cukadar, E.Zaffaroni, H.Majid 363
Performance of semi-dwarf sunflower under different cultural practices
Zaffaroni E.., A.A.Schneiter 369
Agronomic characteristics and genetic potential of dwarf sunflower hybrids (Helianthus annuus L.) in Spain
Alonso L.C., Lopez Ruiz-Calero G., Sallago F. 370
Feasibility of sunflower with chilli (Capsicum annuum) as an intercrop in coastal saling tract of West Bengal, India
Roy A., R.C.Samui .371
Is sunflower suited for zero tillage dry farming ?
Gonzalez-Fdez., J.V.Giraldez, Fereres E., Martin I., Valera A. 372
Establishment of intercropped sunflower and cassava systems at different planting dates and sequence order
Da Silva P.R.F.,M.L.M. Oalbem 378
Sunflower plant characteristics associated with physiological maturity
Mundstock C.M., de Mundstock E.C. 379
Sunflower achene filling period : variation among years and cultivars
Mundstock C.M., Mundstock E.C... 385
Dinamica foliar de girasoles de diferente altura -Leaf dynamics in sunflowers of different height (leaf dynamics, height)
Aguirrezabal L.A.N., Orioll G.A., Pereyra V.R. 386
The effect of plant density and “rectangularity” on achene yield in long and short stemmed sunflower cultivars
Vannozzi G.P. ,M. Baldini 392
Influence de densité de semis et de mode de récolte sur l’importance de la masse foliaire et quelques caractéristiques agronomiques de l’hybride NS-H-27 RM (sowing density, harvest mode, leaf mass, agronomic characteristics, hybrid)
Kovacevic M. 395
Effect of row spacings and weed control methods on yield and other agronomic characteristics of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Rana M.A., Ozair C.A, M.A. Khan 396
The examination of variables influencing the yield of sunflower with discriminance analysis
Barath E., Simits K., Omed M.M. 398
Analysis of sunflower field data
Lukacs P.,.Barath E., Simits K. 404
Path-coefficient analysis of components of sunflower seed yield (Helianthus annuus L.) II
Marinkovic Radovan, Skoric Dragan. 406
Interdependence of several characteristics and their influence on the oil yield with sunflower hybrids
Visic M. 408
Direct and indirect effects of variables on grain yield of some Novi Sad sunflower hybrid
Marjanac D. 410
Correlation between intensity of oil and protein accumulation in seed and yield stability of sunflower hybrid
Jovanovic D.412
Harvest time influence on energy of germination, germination and humidity of sunflower seed in conditions of irrigation
Radenovic B. 414
Photodegradable mulching film in sunflower crops : its effect on plant growth and yield characteristics
Vannozzi Gian.Paolo., Baldini Mario, Fabbri A. 415
Bee-attractiveness and self-compatibility of some inbred lines and their hybrids
Montilla F, J. Gomez-Arnau, P.Duhigg .423
Evaluacion de la preferencia de las abejas for lineas androesteriles de girasol (evaluation, preference, bees, androsterile lines)
Bailez O.E., E.Bedascarrasbure 429
Distribucion de las abejas (Apis mellifera L.) en un cultivo androesteril de girasol (bees androsterile lines)
Bailez O., E. Bedascarrasbure, Cuenca G. 436
Actividad pecoreadora de la abeja mellifera (Apis mellifera L.) en lineas androesteriles de girasol (androsterile lines, bees)
Bailez O.E., Bedascarrasbure E.L., Cuenca Estrada G. 437
Pollen foraging by honeybees pollinating sunflower
Bedascarrasbure E., O.Bail 438
Effect of honey bee pollination on seed setting, yield and oil content of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
Waghchoure E.S, M.A.Rana 439
Sewage irrigation as a measure of sunflower seed yield and quality improvement (in Russian)
Malihin I. 441
Yield and evapo-transpiration ratio in irrigated and unirrigated sunflowers
Vucic N. ,Dj. Bosnjak 446
Sunflower production for grain in double cropping and irrigation
Dragovic S., Panic Z., .Maksimovic L.. 449
Water balance in vertisol at different stages of sunflower development
Stanojevic D. 451
Production potential of sunflower and other winter crops under limited irrigations
Deshmukh A.K., Bhalerao A.C. , Deshpande M.B., Nimbkar N. 452
Effects of fewer water applications on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in the south of Italy
Rizzo V. ,V. Di Bari 453
Growth of achenes in two sunflower hybrids under limited irrigation conditions
Abbate V.,S.Foti 459
Suitability of new NS sunflower hybrids for combine harvesting
Tadic L. ,S.Coric 460
Effects of the application of a new model of drum for sunflower harvesting
Tadic L., Lazarevic V. 462
Efficiency of sunflower disease control by different machines
Bosnjakovic A., Djukic N.464
Equipments for seed production from sunflower parental lines with high genetic purity
Piskov A. 466
Rationalization of the process of sunflower harvesting
Muncan P./ M.Vukojevic/ S. Tadic 469

Processing, utilization, economics, and marketing

Processing of sunflower seed for value added products – newer concepts

Shamanthaka Sastry M.C. , Subramanian N 477
Contribution to the investigation of chemical changes in sunflower seed during storage
Turkulov J., Veselinovic S., Dimic E. , Vuksa V... 487
Advantages of milling with a low percentage of hulls and other foreign matter
Jacobs W. E. 493
System analysis of processes and vegetable oil manufacture diagrams (in Russian)
Koshevoy Ye. P., V.Ye.Tarasov, A.B.Borovsky 499
Investigation of oil extraction from whole seed of Yugoslav sunflower hybrids
Karlovic Dj., T.Turkulov, E.Dimid, M.Sovilj, V.VukSa 508
Enzymatic hydrolysis of sunflower proteins : preliminary results
Palmieri S., S.Cinti, E.Baldi, R.Fiorentini 514
Protein sunflower, biochemical and functional properties and their modification (in Russian)
Ivanitsky S.B., V.G.Scherbacov
Studies on comprehensive utilization for sunflower : I. Extraction of sunflower seed proteins
Wang Gui, Dong Baichun, Huang Chengfang, Zhang Hua, Zhao Zongjian 517
Studies on comprehensive utilization for sunflower : II. Analyses of sunflower seed proteins
Wang Gui, Dong Bichun,Huang Chengfang, Zhan Hua/Zhao .Zongjian 518
The bleaching of sunflower oil
Mezei K., .Budincevic M., Vrbaski Z., Mezei I 524
Chemical composition, structural characteristics and jellying capacity of sunflower pectins
Sulc D.,Vorosbaranyi I., Navalusic J. , Peco N.525
The automatic control system of the vegetable oil hydratation process (in Russian)
AsmayevM.P., Loza B.P., Dubrov V.N. 527
A study on extracting vegetable wax from the seed-shell of sunflower
Duan Wei-sheng, Yin Liang, Chao Hui-zhi 534
Effect of sunflower-protein based products on the properties of ground-meat products
Cavoski D., Eric M., Simic D., Perunovic M., Mitrovic S. 536
Technological aspects of defatted sunflower meal addition to the production of hyperproteic spaghetti and bread
Della Gatta C., AIba E., Piergiovanni A.R. , Bruno L.G. 544
Sheep cheese made with the addition of sunflower meal
Baldi E., Lencioni L., Pisanelli A.M., Fiorentini R. 548
Results and possibilities of economically effective production of sunflower in Yugoslavia
Andric J., Dragic Zivkovic 550
Oil quality assessment from the point of food quality
Vorosbaranyi I., Lj. Lepsanovic 557
Screw press extraction of vegetable oil as a substitute for mineral oil
Boeck H.C. 558
Economic and technological factors to be considered when substituting vegetable oil for mineral oil
Stoever Hans Martin 559
TETRA PAK– the total approach to liquid food packaging
Mueller R. 560
Sunflower : official laboratory disease testing in France
Guiard J. 565
Essai de standardisation des techniques d’inoculation du tournesol avec l’Alternaria helianthi
Lamarque C., J..K.Kochman 566
Nowadays trends of drawing up systems of integrated control of sunflower pests and diseases
Iliescu H., T.Baicu 571
Phytoalexin type response of sunflower stems to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
Martinson C.A., Avila F.J , Yang Z.B., Daugherty C.J.582
The damage of lygaeid bugs caused in sunflower and their role in the transmission of its seed-born diseases
Bujaki G., Gosztony Maria B. , Horvath Z. 587
Effect of some chemical treatments on germinative characteristics of sunflower seeds
Macchia M. E.Moscheni 593
Plant biotechnology and sunflower improvement
Gosal S.S., Vasiljevic Ljubinko, Brar D.S. 599
Haploid and doubled haploid plants obtention on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by in vitro gynogenesis
Gelebart P., San H. 610
Correlation between oil content and 1,000 kernels weight and their narrow sence heritability on sunflower variety (Zarja) in dry farming conditions
Soltani E..Arshi Y. 611
Self-fertility percentage in different sunflower varieties (Helianthus annuus L)
Arshi Y..618
Parametros de estabilidad para seleccion de cultivares de girasol.(stability parameters, cultivars, selection)
Espinosa C., Aguirre D., Roman A. , Gaytan R., Garcia J., Garza D. , D.Gomez, Ortegon A. .625
Incidence of fungi diseases of sunflower in Poland
Filipowicz A. . 627
Survey of spring sunflower diseases in the irrigated areas of Punjab, Pakistan
Khurshid Burney Iftikhar Ahmad, M, Aslam . 628
Sclerotial population of Macrophomina phaseolina (Cause of sunflower charcoal rot) in Barani area soils of Punjab, Pakistan
Iftikhar Ahmad, Khurshid Burney, Aslam M. ..633